It’s our last episode of twenty gayteen! And who better to round out the year than the person who’s finger is on the pulse of the LGBTQ+ community? Alex Berg (Buzzfeed, Sirius XM, Huffington Post) graces our studio (and looks FABULOUSin her gf’s rad Madonna sweatshirt) to dyke out about the holigays, BUT there’s so much else we try to cover first. From Carolyn’s drunk texting with Rosie, to award ceremony categories, to TERFS on twitter – we’re dishing on all the things we love, tolerate and can’t stand. Like, what’s up with the straights and their genital reveal parties anyways??? But then we eventually get down to business talking about all of the moments that make the holiday season extra laborious for the queer community, including all of the gendering that goes on in the travel experience alone. Plus, we end on an EPIC listener question (in length and substance).
Also, we want all of our listeners to know how AMAZING we think you are, and you really fill us with joy and so many lovely feelings. We’re working hard to bring you fresh and diverse perspectives on the topics that affect our lives, and we already have some wonderful 2019 guests in the works. Happy holigays and have a safe and wonderful New Year.
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-Like our theme song? You’ll love the duo behind it: There Is No Mountain