When it comes to famous lesbians, there are the ones we see in theaters and on red carpets, but the women who were on that realty TV show we watched 9 years ago can be just as popular. Kelsey Bailey (Upright Citizens Brigade, Here & Queer) joins us post-Clexacon to dish about all the Celesbians she’s been following over the years. The phrase “this is so embarrassing” is uttered multiple times, only to realize the same people. What draws us to these strangers? Why do we track all their moves? How many queer Paulson sisters are there? We also play a little game of celebrity connection with Kelsey. Obviously we can only cover so much ground, so please, no emails with “I can’t believe you didn’t mention _____.” Unless they’re super cool or hot and aren’t on our gaydar. Thx!
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