You just stepped out of the closet. NOW WHAT? Musician and model Allison Ponthier took a break from making TikToks to dyke out with us about what it’s like being a BABY GAY! Allison left her home in Texas and moved to New York City thinking she’d stay in a long-distance relationship with her boyfriend, but after a few Tinder swipes and an L Word binge, she started two-steppin’ out of the closet. We talk about how being a baby gay is like going through a second puberty, and discuss why everything feels so freaking epic. We also talk about the struggle and pressure to figure out your queer aesthetic and what it’s like to make friends once you’re out. But before we get to revisiting our past (Allison’s present), we rip on chatty Uber drivers and ponder the best way to signal to other lesbians in the wild. We also answer a listener question from a married mother who is just now coming to terms with her bisexuality, AKA a later-in-life baby gay.
-Check out Allison’s music!
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-Like our theme song? You’ll love the duo behind it: There Is No Mountain