Comedian Lucas Connolly (Seeso’s New York’s Funniest Comedians) has FOUR gay moms, so we overlooked his affiliation with the patriarchy to have him come on the show and dyke out about his upbringing. We knew Lucas had a lot of moms, but what we didn’t know is that one of them is a well-known LGBT activist and politician (research fail)! We had so many questions, like what’s it like growing up in a queer household in Laramie, Wyoming, how did this affect his dating life, and what does he do on mother’s day??? But before we dig into gay mom territory, Carolyn talks about seeing Janelle Monae live, and Sarah wants the New York Post to LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!! Plus, we take a question from a listener who wants to explore the world as a lesbian, but her boyfriend is not onboard.
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-If you’re in NYC on August 6, come to Queer Film Theory 101 at House of Wax Bar to see Carolyn dissect all of the queer subtext in the movie My Girl.