Let’s level the playing field by striving for equity both on and off the field (or court, or rink, or office flooring, etc). Rachael Rapinoe joins us this week to talk about how she’s working to create equity in the CBD/Cannabis industry. Before she co-founded her company Mendi, she was a professional soccer player who was all too familiar with the disparity in income and playing conditions between men and women. And as you can imagine, the gap can be even bigger for the LGBTQ community and POC. We dyke out about how her background as an athlete informs her decision-making as a business owner in a fairly young industry, and the different ways her sister Megan uses her own platform to fight for equity.
But first, it’s TikTok O’Clock at the start of the episode. Carolyn and Melody age themselves by talking about their favorite social media fascination. Plus, Melody can’t stop thinking about last week’s gayest thing. Finally, we end with a listener question about Harry Potter fandom in light of JK Rowling’s transphobia which leads to a longer discussion.
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