Get your workbooks out and agendas ready because this week, we’re dyking out with comedian Cara Connors (Just For Laughs, E!) about her gay immersion! How does one go from being married to a man to indulging in a gay Rumspringa? Pretty seamlessly, actually. Aside from dating as many women as humanly possible, what else do you do when you’re first coming out of the closet to familiarize yourself with queer culture? What if you’ve always been immersed in gayness and just didn’t realize it? Before we dive into the topic, we talk about the Annomite trailer, but only because it’s our contractual obligation. Also, Carolyn shows off her talent for guessing exactly the kind of car you buy based on your queer vibe. Finally, we end with a listener question about deflecting rude questions from neighbors. Please note, if you’re a Pisces who has a problem with the things said in this episode, please take it up directly with Cara. (Sorry Cara!)
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