It’s a sex party (chat), and you’re invited (to listen)! Poet and filmmaker Fatimah Asghar (Brown Girls, NPR, PBS) joins us to dyke out about sex parties, which inspired her latest short film Got Game. First, apologies for the guest audio. It was the best we could get given the circumstances, but it’s such a great conversation that we hope you won’t mind. Where were we? Oh yes, sex parties! We talk less about the actual sex (lame) and more about trying to make a connection and what these interactions can tell us about ourselves. Plus, we talk about the importance of consent and the steps we can take to make these spaces as safe as possible.
Before we get to our topic, we talk about our gayest things of the week, and Los Angeles’ gayest thing of the year! Finally, we end with a question from a frustrated listener whose girlfriend won’t send nudes.
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