Holy podcast batman! Comic book writer Vita Ayala joins us for our first two part episode where we dyke out about – you guessed it – comics! Vita has written for DC comics, Black Mask Studios, Vault Comics, and Valiant Comics, and you should check out their most recent series, The Wilds. We cover so much ground, but spend the first chunk of the podcast talking about Beyonce and whether or not she has a magic touch, the dyke march, trolls, and comebacks. But when we get down to business, we learn all about Vita’s journey from believing Wonder Woman is Puerto Rican (it does make a lot of sense!), to them one day writing for Wonder Woman!!! Follow your dreams people. We also talk about how and why comics are becoming increasingly queer and intersectional, including bisexual Buffy because Carolyn loves to change the topic to Buffy whenever possible. Tune in next week for the second part of the episode where we get Vita’s hot recs, search for subtext, and answer a listener’s question. Wham-o!!!
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characters comics dyke march graphic novel lgbtq movie nonbinary pride queer subtext super heroes television trolls wonder woman